Page 14 - Savunma_2023
P. 14


              Kısa Tarihçe                           1923 and Before

              1923 ve Öncesi                         The first initiative to establish a defence industry in
                                                     Turkey dates back to the period of the Ottoman Empire.
              Türk savunma sanayiinin temeli         Standing strong up until the 17th century, defense
              Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun yükselme     industry couldn’t keep up with the technological
              devrine kadar uzanmaktadır. Bu         developments in Europe since the 18th century and
              dönemde top ve savaş gemileri gibi
              çağın en önemli harp araç ve gereçleri   totally lost its impact starting from World War 1.
              tamamen yerli imkânlarla üretilmiş,
              “Tophane-i Hümayun” İmparatorluk       Thus, there was no significant defence industry
              silah sanayiinin temelini oluşturmuş   infrastructure  during  the  first  years  of  the  Republic
              ve bir defada 1060 top döküm ve ayda   and the endeavors were limited to the establishment
              360 kg barut üretim kapasitesine       of a few facilities near Ankara during the Independence
              ulaşılmıştır. Ayrıca, savaş gemisi     War. Acknowledging that defence industry is a part of
              üretim kapasitesi ve teknoloji düzeyi
              de Avrupa ülkelerinin çok ilerisinde   the  overall  industrialization  and  development,  the
              olmuştur.    İnebahtı   Savaşı’nda     government decided to support and guide defence
              tamamen yok olan donanmanın, beş       industry during the first planning period. However
              aylık bir dönemde 200 gemi olarak      despite some important ventures in ammunition,
              yeniden inşa edilmesi, Osmanlı         weaponry and aircraft production, a solid infrastructure
              tersanelerinin üretim kapasitesinin    could not be established due to adverse internal and
              boyutunu ortaya koymaktadır.
                                                     external factors.are met at the highest level in the face
                                                     of changing conditions in our country, our region and
                                                     the world.

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